Meet the 2021 Home of Somali Poetry Poet of the Year
Ever since he was a child, Mursal has followed poetry to achieve insight and inspire others. At a tender age, Mursal Dahir loved poems, music, and literature. He would often listen to respected poets and elders. Unlike other children of his age, he developed a habit of talking to older people, attracted by their wise words and knowledge.
Somali female poet uses poetry to empower and inspire change
Raxma Xuseen Huriye fell in love with poetry at a young age; she would sing to herself about everything but was always shy of sharing her poems with other people except her family.
The art of self expression: Supporting Somali women to tell their own stories
UNDP is working with the Somali Arts Foundation to combine women’s poetry, photography and filmmaking in powerful online and offline exhibitions
Naciima Abwaan Qorane's latest poem tackles the danger of COVID-19
Naciima Abwaan Qorane oo ah Gabyaa u ololeysa Nabadda ayaa ka mid noqotay Taageerayaasha sare ee Ololaha Wacygelinta Kahortaga Fayraska Corona ee hay’adda UNDP ka wado Soomaaliya. Naciima oo kaashaneysa hay’adda UNDP ayaa waxay soo saartay Gabay xiiso leh oo ay uga hadleyso saameynta uu leeyahay cudurka Corona iyo sida looga hortagi karo. “Sharaf bey