Saciid Saalax Axmed


waa Bare ahna Abwaan iyo Qoraa. Waxuu qoray sheekooyiin badan iyo buugaagta caruurta, kuwaasoo lagu tarjumay Luuqadda Ingiriiska. Sanadkii 1985-tii waxuu qoray, soona saaray filin dheer oo ku saabsanaa halgamaagii Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xassan. Inta uusan ka tagin Soomaaliya kahor dagaalkii sokeeye waxuu Agaasime ka ahaa waaxda “Waxbarashada Dheeraadka ah” ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Soomaaliya. Hadda waxuu bare luuqadda Af-Soomaaliga ka yahay Jaamacadda Minnesota, dalka Mareykanka.

Said Saah Ahmed is an esteemed educator, poet and playwright. He has written numerous plays and children’s books that have been translated into English. In 1985, he also wrote and directed an epic feature film called The Somali Dervish, which charts the historic movement of the Somali freedom fighter, Sayid Mohamed Abdulle Hassan. Before fleeing the civil war, Mr. Ahmed served as the Director of the “Extra-curricular Education Department” in Somalia. He currently teaches Somali language at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.
