Naciima Abwaan Qorane's latest poem tackles the danger of COVID-19

Naciima Abwaan Qorane oo ah Gabyaa u ololeysa Nabadda ayaa ka mid noqotay Taageerayaasha sare ee Ololaha Wacygelinta Kahortaga Fayraska Corona ee hay’adda UNDP ka wado Soomaaliya. Naciima oo kaashaneysa hay’adda UNDP ayaa waxay soo saartay Gabay xiiso leh oo ay uga hadleyso saameynta uu leeyahay cudurka Corona iyo sida looga hortagi karo. “Sharaf bey

Somali poetry in the digital age

“Whenever I had fights with other students in school, or even when we joked with each other, they never missed the opportunity to bring up Somalia in a negative way,” poet Zahra Abdihagi recalls the stereotypes she lived with growing up in Canada.
